
Don't Lose Mom

A homeschooling friend on Facebook recently posted that she was putting her son in an online public school this coming year. She said she no longer wanted to be his full-time teacher, just his mom. As I read her post and the sweet encouraging words in the comments that followed, I realized that thereʼs a bit of that pull in me too. Maybe thereʼs a bit in all of us.

With all that we do with our kids- facilitating, teaching, correcting, training, grading- in the name of homeschooling, is it true perhaps that we are in danger of losing “Mom”?

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Adding Art in Your Homeschool

"Well, I'm just not artistic."

 I've heard that statement rather often from other homeschoolers when they talk about the lack of art in their days. Since adding in the joy of art is one of my passions, I'm here to encourage you that building this habit is not hard. You did not have to inherit the art gene to pull out the paint brushes.

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