
The Power of Blogging


Writing this blog has been one of the biggest blessings in my life since I have had children.

{ Stick with me for today's post... I may ramble, but I'll get around to my point eventually.   }

Last year, Rachel had the fabulous idea for a meme,  Me & My Blog.   In that post, I said, 

"I'd like to think that the longer I blog, the wiser I become, about real life and online life, too. " 

I would make the same statement today, too.  I do think that I'm blogging smarter, using my time more wisely, and learning so much about "real" life, as well.

I have made SO MANY friends whom I learn from and share ideas with ~ the interactions in this miniscule corner of the internet have been amazing to me.   I look back at old posts and see friends I've now had for nearly three years. 

My blog is entering a new season now.  

  • Homegrown Learners welcomed its first sponsor (thank you, Maestro Classics!) last week.

When bloggers wrote about "managing their online time" and basically speaking of their blogs as a business I never quite got that. I couldn't understand how these busy moms (especially the homeschooling ones!) had time for everything.   

I thought that surely they must not be doing their jobs as homeschooling moms....   and that they certainly couldn't have a life outside of their blogs.  I'm ashamed to admit I thought this way. I apologize to the bloggers out there who successfully juggle so much each day.

I never ceased to be amazed at  God's perfect timing ~ and abundant grace.   Every blog post and every interaction online has shaped me into the blogger I am today... and He's continuing to shape me into the servant He wants me to be.   

That person is learning to be:

  • a better steward of her time
  • a more patient and forgiving wife, mother, and friend
  • increasingly humble
  • a more intent listener and less of a talker
  • less judgmental (that's a biggie for me)

All this rambling is to say that I'm thinking about my blog differently now.  

Yes, it is still my online scrapbook and a way for me to document our days.    

But, it is also a way for me to be a Homeschool Ambassador , give and receive homeschool ideas, and yes... make a little extra money.  It also causes me to stay up WAY to late..... 

More importantly, it's a tool I'm using to further something about which I feel very strongly.... HOME EDUCATING! 

If you're reading my blog for the first time, welcome and I hope you'll subscribe to Homegrown Learners!   If you're one of my friends who reads this on a regular basis - THANK YOU!  You have no idea the way you have enriched me and shaped me these past three years. 

How has blogging affected you?   What have been the blessings (and/or curses?) you have experienced?  

