
Making Dolls for Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child shoebox time is approaching!

My heart for this ministry has grown over the years - especially since I had the great joy of delivering boxes to Ecuador in 2013. 

I saw firsthand the POWER of a box, and how important it is to fill a box with love, prayer, and handmade gifts. 

When my sister-in-law (an avid quilter) asked my 16 year old if she wanted to invite some friends over and make dolls for OCC, I was thrilled! My daughter and two friends spent the afternoon creating these sweet dolls from scrap fabric. I can only imagine the joy they will bring to sweet little ones in some part of the world.

(We don't know who will get the boxes, but it is my firm belief that GOD knows where each box will go!)

Making Dolls for Operation Christmas Child

Simple Dolls for Operation Christmas Child

While I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, my daughter assured me that sewing this little dolls is easy (basic sewing knowledge required).

The original pattern has lots of buttons and more elaborate faces, but in the interest of time the girls used fabric markers to draw the faces on the dolls, and left them without buttons.

Simple Dolls for Operation Christmas Child Boxes

I would imagine you could do as little or as much as you want with this simple pattern.

The important thing is this:  Many of the children who receive an OCC Shoebox will have NEVER received a gift in their life. Just the fact that you cared to pack the box and make a sweet doll is what matters. They will treasure this gift! 

Download the Doll Pattern Here


My family and I will never forget Ruby - a 12 year old girl in Quito, Ecuador, who had never received a gift in her entire life. She was living in a refuge home for abused mothers and children - each time I pack a shoebox I think of Ruby and the many children that were with her. I think of what I would like to see them receive. I think of the prayers I prayed over her box. 

I think of the love of Christ demonstrated through one shoebox.

Simple Dolls for Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Pack an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

If you aren't familiar with this ministry of Samaritan's Purse, read this simple article about how to pack a shoebox. 

It's so simple - and it is a beautiful way to teach children to serve and love.

And of course, I'd love for you to learn more about my journey with OCC -- some amazing stories there, too.


(image courtesy