
2025 Book Challenge: January Update

The response to the 2025 Reading Challenge has been overwhelming! What fun chatting books with you all this past month has been.

(Visit the original challenge post if you have no idea what I’m talking about and would like to join us for the rest of the year!) Don’t forget that kids can join us, too. I’ve heard from some of you that you’re including your children, which makes me extra happy!

What people love about this reading challenge is that it is NO STRESS
. If you want to participate, that’s fine. If you don’t, you can watch from the sidelines. Some of you have been very active chatting books in our Facebook group and on Instagram. Others observe. (Whatever floats your boat - I’m just happy we’re all reading!)

2025 Reading Challenge Update/January

What I Read in January

Choosing a book with the word “winter” in the title proved to be a bit difficult. There were several suggestions, and I ultimately chose one I already owned and wanted to read - Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher.

My review from Instagram:

As you can tell, this was a five-star book for me. The characters I could fall in love with, a cozy setting, and redemption throughout will make this a favorite of mine for all time.

February Homegrown Book Picks Challenge

In February our challenge is to read a classic. That’s a broad category, isnt’ it?

I’ve decided to read Jane Austen’s Emma. This is a book I haven’t read, and it’s perfect for a month when we celebrate love. A special shoutout goes to a young lady I’ve known since she was little. We talked books as she was growing up, and she is now in college and still an avid reader. She suggested to me that I read this classic!

I purchased this sweet Puffin in Bloom edition at the beginning of the year, too!

February Book Challenge Classic: Emma by Jane Austen

15 Classics You Might Enjoy

I’m including several classics I have read and loved, in case you need to narrow down your options. I’ve found them approachable and enjoyable.

Keep in Touch!

I would love to connect with you! You can leave a comment here, or join me on Facebook or Instagram.

What do you plan to read for our February challenge?

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Comfort For the Homeschool Mom

It is bittersweet to have finished the homeschool race with my children.

One of the most significant benefits of the time spent home educating is the gift of HINDSIGHT. As I continue to write in this space, I would love to share tidbits from my rearview mirror and things I am enjoying currently that I think a homeschool mom would also love.

As we’ve been snowed in for a few days, it’s given me time to reflect on what most nourishes our souls. In a world where it is so easy to scroll Instagram and see what the over-achieving homeschool mom who makes the perfect reels is doing in her homeschool. You and I both know that isn’t reality, but it’s hard when you watch too much of it.

Please let me encourage you… give yourself and your children the gift of QUIET. Slow down, stay in your own lane, and partake in things that nourish your soul.

Comfort For the Homeschool Mom

20 Cozy and Comforting Books

Cozy and comforting books offer a sanctuary and provide relaxation and QUIET amid our busy lives. Even if you steal 15 minutes daily, that time can greatly benefit! I would read when my children had quiet time, and often, I would read at night when everyone was asleep.

I have chosen titles that often weave heartwarming narratives or share practical wisdom, creating an inviting atmosphere for much-needed escape and edification.

From stories celebrating family ties to guides empowering personal growth, these books are gentle reminders of the joy of learning with and nurturing our children. I hope these books will evoke a sense of warmth, making reading a cherished part of your daily routine.

Cozy and Comforting Music

Music is kind of my thing. So often we forget the power of great music - and it’s one of the easiest things that can dramatically shift the mood of our day.

I’ve created this playlist of relaxing instrumental music for you on Spotify. It is difficult for me to focus when music has words, which is why all of these are instrumental. It includes a few “classical” pieces, but also some modern favorites as well.


A Few of My Favorite Cozy & Comforting Things

These are a few things that bring me joy and comfort - especially in these cold winter months!

  • Magnesium Lotion - This has been a favorite of mine for a LONG time - it’s good for so many things, and I use it every night before bed.

  • Trader Joe’s Lavender Dryer Pouches - I don’t live close to a Trader Joe’s, so when I run out, I use those from Amazon that are just as good!

  • Mighty Leaf Tea - A friend gifted me with this tea and it’s such a wonderful luxury!

  • Deep Sleep Pillow Spray - Every single night, I spray this on my pillow. I swear by it!

  • Overnight Lip Treatment - This is also part of my nightly routine. Magnesium Lotion, Lip Treatment, Pillow Spray…

  • Some Lines a Day - This 5-year memory journal allows you to write down a sentence or two each day. The time investment is small, but the payoff is big! I love mine.

  • My Favorite Pen - I’ve been using this pen for MANY years. I buy ink refills and keep them in my desk. I love the way it writes, and it inspires me to use my best handwriting. (Use it in your Some Lines a Day journal!)

  • Candle Warmer - There is one in my kitchen and one in my office. And guess what? I just use candles I find at Aldi, and they are great!

  • Muk Luks - These were a Christmas present from my husband several years ago, and they might be one of my only true excitements for cold weather!

It is important for to enjoy our surroundings (our home!) because we are in them so much with our children.

It is also important for us to take care of ourselves and do little things that can nourish our bodies, souls, and minds.

My hat is off to you as a homeschooling mother. I know it isn’t easy, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is worth it!