
5 Good Things: Encouraging Words

We all need encouragement.

It is important to feed our own souls, and then to pour into others through encouraging actions and words.

Homeschooling is HARD work, and we need support. Today’s post is designed to give you a little shot in the arm of that encouragement and beauty that we all need. In fact, I believe it’s the most important investment we can make as homeschooling parents - investing in our own education and mental and spiritual health.

5 Good #Homeschool Things: Encouraging Words

My husband and I took some this week to be very intentional about mental health - and adding some joy to our lives.

These past few months have been difficult. In addition to the quarantine and all that comes with it, I’ve also been trying to help my dad, who lives in an Assisted Living and has been in and out of the hospital twice since Covid hit. He’s doing much better now, but I feel very helpless being 8 hours away from him - and even if I lived around the corner I wouldn’t even be able to get in and visit him.

The music appreciation membership at SQUILT Music has grown exponentially in the past few months, too. What a blessing this is - but I’ve had to adjust my time and offload some household duties to other people around here (which probably needed to happen anyway!).

Back to the intentionality and joy - we got together with some dear homeschool friends and enjoyed an evening of fellowship, laughter, wisdom, and just good friendship. It was balm for our souls.

My husband and I always get our picture taken on our front porch - it’s fun to see the same backdrop - with the couple getting a little older (and hopefully wiser) each year. We’ll be celebrating our 23rd anniversary very soon - we never ever imagined we would homeschool our children, but we both agree it was the best parenting decision we ever made.

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So take heart: the work unfinished at end of day, the lists unchecked, the dreams unrealized, may be the measure of your love.

  • The Gift of People’s Presence

    Such a beautiful post written by Ashlee Eiland - talking about the simple gift of our presence. Homeschooling is the perfect way to simply be PRESENT for our children, isn’t it?

  • “Summer Moods”

    This is a lovely podcast with poetry read aloud - from the Circe Institute. Listening to beautiful things encourages me. Even if you don’t share this with your children, take a few minutes to sit outside and just listen to this poem. Beautiful.

  • 5 Ways to Encourage a Fellow Homeschool Mom

    I wrote this post a year ago - and I anticipate that in the next year there will be so many homeschooling parents that need our support! I hope this post gives you simple ways to do just that.

  • Walk With the Wise: Choose Well Who Influences Your Decisions

    Sally Clarkson is a wise source of information. This post will bless you.

And - in case you’re wondering - the favorite book I’ve read in the past couple of weeks is Love Lettering. It’s sweet, endearing, and unputdownable (yes, that’s really a word!). If you want to keep up with my reads, follow me on Instagram @Homegrown Book Picks.

Is there something in particular that encourages you?

Brings you joy? Radiates beauty?

Let me know in the comments below!

5 Good #Homeschool Things: Encouraging Words

5 Good Things: Helps for the Worn Out Mom

The struggle is real.

It is the end of the homeschool year. It is the end (somewhat) of a very strange time in our world.

Kids are tired of being inside. Parents are worn out from the constant uncertainty and juggling of responsibilities.

I think it is fair to say many of us are just WORN OUT and ready for a change.

5 Good Things: Helps for the Worn Out Mom

When you have teens it’s not so much about being worn out, it is more about lacking motivation and inspiring motivation in your kids.

My son is still finishing math, taking Spanish lessons online a couple of times a week, piano lessons once a week, and reading aloud with me. Our drawing materials for starting Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain came in today, so we will start that in earnest next week.

I started reading Thunder & Rain this week, too - I love anything by Charles Martin. This book has truly been an ESCAPE - I highly recommend!

Back to the good things and worn out moms {wink}…

I stumbled upon one really good video performance this week (that had, alas, expired) - but it inspired me to find some other good things for you.

Have fun!

5 Good Things for the Worn Out Mom:

  • Learn About Peter & The Wolf

    This performance of the well-loved classic by Prokofiev is very well done. Your elementary-aged children will enjoy the story, performance, and identifying the instruments. (Couple it with the instrument flashcards I have at SQUILT Music and they can learn A LOT from this performance!). For fun, follow up with this Disney read-along - so old fashioned and fun!

  • Math Tic Tac Toe

    This is a new to me math game. My son always enjoyed playing math games - especially near the end of our school year when attention spans were diminishing.

  • Short Ride in a Fast Machine

    Have you done this FREE SQUILT LIVE! lesson with your kids? Use the password HAPPYBIRTHDAY to access the video lesson and lesson packet.

  • A Book and A Movie

    A good read-aloud can be just what the doctor ordered. My Side of the Mountain (which I cannot believe we never did homeschool all of these years) is such a wonderful adventure story. My 15-year-old is reading it aloud to me right now, but it’s great for ALL ages. And, there is a movie to go along with the book, too.

I hope things are slowly returning to “normal” in your neck of the woods.

I hope you’ve used the past couple of months to grow closer to your family, evaluate what truly matters, and maybe get a few things accomplished around the house, too.

Thanks for reading 5 Great Things!