
3 Keys to Math Success in Your Homeschool

Teaching our homeschoolers math is exciting!

(I’m not kidding. Stick with me.)

As you probably know, music is my thing (math - not so much).

I have learned, however, how to facilitate a successful math education for my children. This is the most important thing - knowing my children so well and being able to seek out resources and advice that will help them succeed in what interests them.

I’ve now facilitated math education for pre-school through high school and feel qualified to equip you on this topic as well.

3 Simple Keys to Success - Math in the #Homeschool

With the array of choices available to the homeschooling parent, it’s no wonder math flummoxes most of us.

But the good news is this: there is a math program (and help) for EVERY type of learner out there.

We aren’t locked into Common Core Math. We aren’t stuck with whatever program our school district decides to adopt this year. We have the FREEDOM to give our children a beautiful, comprehensive math education.

That - in my book - is an exciting thing!

Make Math Multi-Sensory

From the time children are little - and onward - strive to make math multi-sensory and engaging. You might have a child that learns by doing, or maybe your child learns by hearing - know how your child learns and play to those strengths when teaching math!

  • Turn everyday activities into math

    If you buy 8 bananas at the grocery store and dad eats two, how many will be left? If your child has 20 Matchbox cars, can you make groups of 5? Groups of 4? Can you tell a story about the cars and turn it into a math problem? Math is everywhere if you just capitalize on the opportunities.

  • Play games!

    This is something children of ALL AGES can do. Incorporate games into your homeschool and it won’t seem like “math” time. Check out some of our favorite fun math games here. We also have one game that is our VERY FAVORITE. I still play math games with my teen.

  • Use Music

    My children learned their math facts with music. The best success we had with multiplication facts was through Hap Palmer’s Multiplication Mountain.

  • Read Living Books

    Check out living math books from the library - often! Sir Cumference was one of our favorite series. There are so many if you just look

  • Use Manipulatives

    Manipulatives like LEGO bricks, Unifix Cubes, Counting Bears — those all give our tactile kids a leg up in math! My youngest simply “played math” when his big sister was working in her math workbook. I gave him some addition flashcards and showed him how to build the cards. Who knew what a hit that would be?

Be Willing to Make a Change (but keep it consistent)

How’s that for confusing? Be willing to change, but keep it consistent.

In our homeschool we made some big changes in math at certain points in time. My kids knew, however, that math education was always consistent and that once we had made a well-researched change to a different math program we were going to STICK WITH IT.

Math cannot be a hit or miss endeavor.

I know there are many math programs available. We have experience with three, and I feel like both of my children have gotten a solid math education.

  • Saxon Math

    Saxon served us well in the elementary and middle grade years. I appreciated the spiral approach, drill, repetition, and rigor. Saxon laid a firm foundation for my children. We used the program exactly as it was spelled out - and we used the HOMESCHOOL EDITION - not the more recent editions which incorporate some elements of Common Core.

  • Mr. D Math

    Oh how I love Mr. D Math! Mr. D’s program literally saved my oldest child from math meltdown! The key here was Mr. D’s personal interaction during his live lessons and a curriculum that was just enough for my non-math kid to handle. I highly recommend this program if your child needs confidence and a solid math program.

  • Shormann Math

    My youngest child is quite good at math - and enjoys it, too. We kept him going in Saxon Math until 9th grade. It seemed that the spiral design was just TOO MUCH for him. He was getting math done, but it was taking increasingly longer and he was seeing it as drudgery. Additionally, I needed a program that gave comprehensive video instruction that was designed for the more serious minded math student.

    Enter Shormann Math. 75% of my son’s Challenge class has switched to Shormann from Saxon and the majority of them are happy with the switch. One of my son’s friends put it this way:

It's helpful to be able to go at your own pace by pausing the lectures. The way he (Shormann) layers new information on makes it easier to learn. The extra history and Biblical view point is fascinating.

The problem sets are quicker but more intense than Saxon which helps with the way I learn. It holds my attention better. When I don't understand a problem or concept in the problem set, I can go back to that lessons transcript of the lecture and find what I'm looking for quickly and efficiently.

Keep the End in Mind

What is your goal for your child’s math education?

Keep these questions in mind as you are thinking about (and constantly re-evaluating) math in your homeschool:

  • Do you have a math kid? (If you don’t, why are you pushing them through the most rigorous program out there?)

  • Is your child college bound? (If they are, know the math requirements for the ACT and SAT)

  • What is the highest level of math you want them to take? (Put that level in their senior year and then make your plan backwards!)

  • Do you need help teaching math? (Maybe your child needs an online program or a tutor/in person class.)

The Homeschool Parent and Math

Finally, I’ve had to embark on some serious self-education in math. This has involved research, and (yikes) sitting down at certain points to do the same math as my children as a show of solidarity.

Math is a thing of beauty. We don’t just do math for math’s sake.

The logical order of math is a gift from God, and it has always been imperative that my children know this.

God is in math - and in all things. This is the heart of it, really.

3 Keys to #Homeschool Math Success

What is your homeschool math experience?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

You might also enjoy:

3 Ways to Lay Down Rails with Math

Homeschool Math in the Middle and High School Years

Weekly Homeschool Roundup: 10/5/19

Last weekend we traveled to Chicago for a family wedding.

We were the only homeschoolers in attendance, and I had a few good conversations with people about homeschooling - particularly how you handle homeschooling during the high school years.

In the past I would have left less than confident - perhaps questioning the validity of homeschooling high school. This time, however, I was confident in our decision to homeschool and could articulate WHY we homeschool.

(Have you read From Homeschool to College? I think it’s helpful.)

The biggest takeaway for me? We homeschool for the HEART. Academics are secondary.

In this crazy world, it is important to raise young people who want to contribute, who value others over themselves, and who will be a caring, compassionate voice in a hurting world. Homeschooling gives us a unique opportunity and I am thankful to be on this road.

The Weekly #Homeschool Roundup - 5 Things You Can Use

On to the 5 things for this week - enjoy!

  • Have you read Becoming Mrs. Lewis?

    It is the story of Joy Davidman, who became CS Lewis’ unlikely (late in life) wife. The book was one of my favorites last year! The author has begun a podcast, giving us a behind the scenes look at the story. In addition to this being a wonderful story to escape into, it also teaches us so much about the life of CS Lewis.

  • Math Update

    My youngest has been using Shormann Math for two years. In short, the video teaching, SAT prep, Biblical focus, and accelerated content is what convinced me to make this change. It is going VERY well so far. Almost all of the young people in Grant’s Challenge I class are using Shormann!

  • Spanish

    Another curriculum update: Grant has started Homeschool Spanish Academy classes. All I can say is wow. It is by far his favorite subject this year - the one-on-one instruction and the engaging curriculum has been a winner. We will definitely be continuing with a second year.

  • 15 Educational Pumpkin Activities

    The Pumpkin Slime is my favorite, but I can see your younger kids enjoy all of these activities. It seems that the fall was our best memory-making time when the kids were little.

  • Homeschooling Will Not Save Them

    “No amount of Latin lessons, Bible memory songs, or classical literature can do saving work. To the family just beginning the journey of home education, may God bless you as you educate your children for the glory of God. Only please remember, it is no guarantee. Our homeschooled children may leave our homes serving Christ, or they may not, but our exceedingly great reward is Christ.”

I loved having my family together last weekend - Anna is back at school now, so the house is a little more quiet again.

It’s an odd adjustment to have one gone after homeschooling them. I have cried many tears, but it’s getting easier. Mostly I’m just so happy and excited for her. Homeschooling set the foundation and now I will continue to be her biggest cheerleader.


How was your week? Any good resources you want to share with me?

Leave a comment below!

Weekly #Homeschool Roundup - 10/5/19