Maybe I have been living in the dark ages, but today we discovered these nifty little things called "Learning Wrap-Ups". A good friend of mine who has finished her homeschooling career passed them along to me and said they were a lot of fun. She was RIGHT!
I just pulled them out this morning and sat down with them - the kids sat right down with me and we worked through all of the wrap-ups. We only have the addition wrap-ups, so it was a good review for my daughter, and this kind of stuff is just what my Kindergarten son is craving right now! It is so simple - you just start your string at a certain number on the left hand side of the plastic card, then (let's say your on the +5 card) you add 5 to that number and wrap around to the answer on the right side. You do this for about 10 different numbers. I asked them why they liked these wrap-ups and this is what they said:
GMan - "I like them because they're math... hah! duh!" (you really have to know him to hear him saying this - it is such a typical GMan response)
Blogger TemplatesMiss B: "I like them because they are kind of like weaving." (she is my quiet knitter, sewer, etc...)
One of my goals has been to make math fun and I think we're doing really well so far. The wrap-ups are a great way to review and self-check math facts. I just went to Amazon and ordered the subtraction wrap-ups, and may order the multiplication at a later point in time. I also noticed they have states and capitals wrap-ups, too.
As I sat down to blog about these, I checked my email and saw an interesting article about making math fun (how providential is that?). Check it out here.