
Our Favorite Photos - Linking Up With The Homeschool Village

The topic today at The Homeschool Village is "Yearbook" - sharing our favorite homeschool photos. I take pictures of EVERYTHING, so it's hard to narrow it down to a few of my favorites, but I will try!

The very first lapbook Miss B. completed!

Miss B and I at a fabulous butterfly house at the Margaret Strong Museum in Rochester, NY... our whole trip to NY was one huge educational field trip!

Our favorite science experiment - color changing milk!

Gman working on his journal on our mock Lewis & Clarke Expedition

Brother and sister enjoying time together. I love that homeschooling has brought them closer.

My favorite craft we have done.... our Easter flowerpot with flowers representing devotions we did on the days leading up to Easter. It was so meaningful for all of us.

I love looking through all of the photos we've taken. It makes me see how much the children are learning, and how (even on the hardest of days) homeschooling is SO WORTH IT!
