It sounds cliche, but it really does seem like yesterday that my sweet girl was coming into this world. We put this newborn picture of her out at every birthday... to remind her (and really me!) of how much she has grown.
Now she is ten and getting to be so grown up. In so many ways she is asserting her independence, but in so many others she is really still just a little girl. I think ten is a great age! One of her favorite things about her birthday this year was her granddaddy taking her to tea.
Here's where the budgeting comes in. Since a Kindle is fairly expensive, we wanted to keep the party expense to a minimum. I gave Miss B $35 and told her to make a list and plan her party. She went right away to the computer and started planning. (I think we need to use spell check next time! :-) )
It was a great exercise in budgeting and creativity for her. I printed a 40% coupon for Hobby Lobby and away we went.
Her good friend came to spend the night and plan the party, too. Between those two girls we made the cake and decorated for the party. It was wonderful! Our family came to the house, as well as a few good family friends ~ friends who have started to spend each of our children's birthdays we use. I guess they are honorary family members now.
Her favorite birthday cake to make is a Peppermint Poke Cake... it is ooooh so good. You really should try it. The peace sign was made with Peppermint Patties, and the sprinkles around the edges are wedding sprinkles. Black and pink streamers, along with pink balloons completed the decorations. It took them all afternoon to get everything just right!

She declared it was "the best birthday ever!". Like I said, 10 is a GREAT age!