Are you thinking about summer yet?
I know it's about 6 weeks away, but as our school year is winding down and the weather is getting much nicer I'm finding myself motivated to start planning for summer.
{Many curriculum sales also happen this time of year, so I'm keeping my eyes open for those!}
Summer is a welcome break from the normal homeschool routine. After a week of lounging around everyone is usually at loose ends, so this summer I am PREPARING.
Normally I think of all the things I want a summer to include, but if I fail to make a PLAN we accomplish very little. So here it is -- in writing. (Now I MUST stick to it!)
*This post contains affiliate links.
Practicum: The kids and I will be attending a 3 day Classical Conversations Practicum in May. While I am busy learning all about writing, Anna will be in a Lost Tools of Writing camp and Grant will be doing a Public Speaking Camp. Win/Win.
{This will also be the time I purchase any CC curriculum we need. I like to see it and talk to other moms at the CC bookstore during Practicum.}
Fortuigence Essay Class: Anna has the opportunity to take an expository essay writing class through Fortuigence. She chose an Expository Essay class and is excited - we've never done an online class with her before.
The Cay: Read Aloud and study guide - I've heard so many great things about the literature guides from Bright Ideas Press. We chose The Cay because it's a book I've been wanting to read with the kids for a long time!
Plus, the study guides are 20% off in April, so I snagged a few. (We may do a few other books next year, so now is a good time get the 20% off. )
Anna worked SO hard in math this year and is finished with Saxon 8/7. We did not, however, do the investigations this year, so we will be working our way through the invesigations (TOGETHER) this summer.
Grant will be continuing to work on his drills and finish his Saxon 5/4 math book (he will have about 15 lessons left).
{*I always get my Saxon books through Amazon. I manage to find the best prices this time of year. The Saxon 5/4 books are on sale right now, actually. }
Coffeeshop Latin: Because Latin was so intense and difficult during the school year, we are going back through Henle Latin this summer. I have been told that the Memoria Henle Latin study guides are excellent. I purchased them at convention and Anna will be teaching ME Latin from these guides.
Each Monday evening we will retreat to our local Starbucks and have our Latin lesson. She's really excited about this, and I'm excited to spend time with her and sharpen my Latin skills. I learned just enough to help her this year, but I really needed to do all of her assignments with her - so this is my remedial summer!
Music Camp: Grant will be attending a one week music camp at the church where Hal and I were married. We do this camp each year (this year Anna will be on a mission trip, so it's just Grant attending) and it is SO valuable! I love that he gets handbells, drama, art, choir, and professional performances each day. We are SO LUCKY to have this camp in downtown Atlanta.
Art Classes: I'm looking for an art class for my art lover. I hope to find something he can sink his teeth into!
First Lego League (FLL): We are beginning to form a FLL team. This summer we have gathered a very small group of boys who will be learning to work as a team and just focus on having FUN with LEGOS. I'm excited about this adventure, and also a bit nervous. It's A LOT of work!
Of course, we will be pulling all of our resources from LEGO® Education and also using elements of the free LEGO class I have here on the blog to help us in our meetings.
*LEGO® Education will be offering a group buy later this week through the Homeschool Buyers Co-Op that you won't want to miss. More info coming soon!
YMCA/Triathlon: Our local junior traithlon is happening the first week in June. Grant is training already and is excited (this will be his first time participating).
We have restarted our YMCA membership so the kids and I will be working on swimming and running, too. I'm looking forward to this. Once baseball season is over Grant is usually at loose ends, so this will be good for him. My Anna doesn't enjoy a lot of exercise, and I'm hoping to make a dent in that this summer.
Baseball Camp: Last summer Grant participated in baseball day camp. He LOVED it, so he will be going for a week this summer.
Mission Trip: Anna will be going on a one week mission trip to Savannah, GA. She went on a trip like this last year and came back telling me she knew she wanted to work with children one day. I think mission work is so important for kids this age.
Visiting Family: Each summer Anna goes to visit my sister in New York. She is going again this summer! My sister is a huge supporter of our homeschool and always makes sure to plan many fun things for Anna's stay. I am thankful Anna has this chance to be away from home with extended family.
Florida!: My mom and dad live in south Florida. We will be spending Anna's 13th birthday (July - how did that happen??) with grandma and grandpa. I'm SO looking forward to getting to the beach and to spend time with my parents, too. It's been a hard few months for them and we can CELEBRATE everyone feeling better!
Do you take the entire summer off, or do you keep schooling?
When do you purchase curriculum?
Please watch for the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale coming next week! There are several homeschool resources you will want to take advantage of!